NeoCON Zionism and the evangelical “Christians” who teach it

The Tangent College

What continues to be at the forefront of my mind is the returned adherence to neocon Zionism by so-called Conservatives who still haven’t woken up to the lie of the plandemic.  The conservatives, so-called -you know the ones we all thought we were back before the plandemic- are back; shouting about ISIS and terrorism, open borders and all the Muslim terrorists coming across readying themselves to perform acts of terror. (Kind of how they just walked into Israel and started killing on October 7).  Israel has no border security and neither does the US because we both need to set up false flags and straw men in order to support the Empire’s fronts in Syria and Lebanon and Gaza where there is a serious and genocide going on paid for by us, the “good” and naïve taxpayers.

The plandemic was an act of terrorism by our government against us.  But most conservatives are too busy supporting the Empire, you know “MAGA” and international democracy, to recognize it. Trump will show us how to do World War III, bigger and better than ever! And gold-plated!  Let’s hope not.

The biggest tragedy though of all his been the absolute theological downfall of the evangelical Christian church along with the other “Christian” churches which fail to recognize the devilish nature of this monstrosity called Judeo/Christianity.  Judeo/Christianity comes from the imperialistic Judeo-Christian Zionism.  Zionism is nothing more than an excuse for Anglo-American imperialism. There is absolutely no biblical support for it.

These evangelical pastors seem to have glossed over the entire New Testament and particularly the Gospels as they cling to promises from old covenants rather than the only true promise of the new covenant. I must keep saying this – the new covenant was the fulfillment of all old covenants which have all passed away. And yet we have evangelical pastors and writers and futurists who claim to know that God is fulfilling some promise to Abraham by the rebuilding of the Temple, the sacrificing of red heifers, and the genocide of Christians and non-Jewish scum.

I would encourage you to read this hard-hitting piece entitled “2024: The Year Evangelicals Took Fellowship With Devils”  by Chuck Baldwin.  In it, he pulls no punches. We need to wake up to this doctrine of demons.

This is truly demonic. Talmudic Judaism is demonic and Antichrist. Have these false teachers not read what Jesus called the Pharisees?  You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature; for he is a liar, and the father of lies. “But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me. “Which one of you convicts Me of sin?  (uh, that would be Ben Shapiro, Jesus)  If I speak truth, why do you not believe Me?  “He who is of God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not hear them, because you are not of God.  – John 8:44-47

Was he kidding? Was he being hyperbolic? Or was he being absolutely accurate? If the Pharisees were of their father the devil how much more the current day Talmudic rabbis who curse the followers of Christ. It is as Christ said, “Consequently you bear witness against yourselves, that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets”.  – Matt 23:31.  Ask yourself, are these really still “the chosen” people of God?  How can you be chosen if “you are not of God”?  They were clearly, even at this point before Christ died, no longer God’s chosen people. They had been cut off, divorced, by God because of their disobedience and breaking of all the former covenants long before Christ ever came to this earth.  The denial of the clear teaching of the Bible is stunning.

The Anglo-American colony of Israel in the middle east is a devilish trick played upon naïve evangelical Christians who don’t know their Bible and wish to bring peace between Christ and Antichrist. Jesus did not bring this false peace, but rather wept and cried most bitterly saying “forgive them father, for they know not what they do”. Luke 23:34.  But in saying this it does not excuse them from what they did. They murdered Yahweh’s only begotten son that was sent to them to establish a New Covenant with them.

All could be forgiven them if only…..

But they have been rejecting that New Covenant for 2000 years. There is no difference between Pharisaical Judaism that crucified their King and Talmudic Judaism which attempts to sweet-talk its way into receiving land, weapons and welfare from the very Christians they secretly despise.  And the “loving” Christians cannot help themselves from giving to another gut-wrenching charity.  And no one seems to notice that all the money and benefits travel from the Christians to the Jews and never from the Jews to the Christians in the so-called “International Fellowship of Christians and Jews”.   The conniving spirit of Jacob is alive and well in modern day Israel.

But the neoconservatives must build their empire.  Israel and America are joined his brothers in this con game.

If you have the stomach to hear more please watch this video from Stew Peters entitled “Red Heifer Ritual & Satanic Ties, Unveiling Antichrist Through Talmudic Judaism?”.  In it he talks with author E. Michael Jones about how Jews in Israel are pressing their advantage to destroy the Dome of the Rock which will send the world into chaos.  

The devil is busy at work and he is using Israel as his tool. And the evangelical Christians are blind to it and being led astray.  We need to wake up. They’ve returned to the same neoconservative, ISIS terrorism (while conveniently supporting ISIS terrorist leaders in Syria), save Israel narrative and Judeo-Christian theology.

But I’m sure we will speak more of this in the days to come as this foolishness is driving the days to come. God help us.

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