The problem is what we are not allowed to talk about

The Tangent College

Hello Colleagues,

The problem is, is that I recognize what the problem is.
But the problem is, is that he is ostracized who dares to speak of what the problem is.
The problem is religion’s hegemony over reason and loyalty’s hegemony over honesty. 
But the problem is, is that people are naturally religious and have a need to be loyal to something. 

That loyalty can be as insignificant as a baseball team or college football team, which if one says anything derogatory, however truthful, concerning the sacred team it could lead to violent repercussions. (Particularly if it is European soccer!)  Sport can become a religion.  But that loyalty can also be towards one’s ethnicity, country, denomination or family name which can be equally blind; and cause even more violence and war.  We fly flags and salute flags and pledge our allegiance to flags to demonstrate our loyalty to one thing or another.

I am not a naturally loyal person and I guess this makes me somewhat of an outsider.  I struggle greatly with pledging allegiance to a flag.  My allegiance is to liberty and to the truth wherever that may be revealed.  I love the little plaque that I have hanging on the wall in my house which states, “where liberty dwells, there Is my country”.  That was America’s founding ideal, but America is not that country anymore, and hasn’t been for over a century.  Liberty has been smothered by Big Mother Marxism.  All freedoms; freedom of religion (now called “freedom of worship”Smilie: ;), freedom of speech, freedom of assembly… are now permissions granted rather than our birth rights.  

In this way I have never been one to go along with the crowd if I see the crowd going in the wrong direction or engaging in destructive behavior.

I have become estranged from my brothers,
And an alien to my mother’s sons.
For zeal for Thy house has consumed me
, – Psalm 69:8-9

When I read this scripture it reminded me of what I said in my previous email concerning the Condor “you’re about to be a very lonely man, it didn’t have to end like this.”  Response, “of course it did”.  Zeal for the truth has consumed me for much of my life.

I accepted Christ as my Savior in 1977 and was born again in approximately November of that year. I did not do this because I discovered how much God loved me and I needed love. I accepted Christ because I recognized, and honestly took a chance, that this gospel message was the truth.  I followed after what I perceived to be the truth in the same way that the disciples left to follow Jesus. It was not because Jesus offered them love and assurance, prosperity and a purpose driven life. They were not interested in becoming fishers of men as I’m sure they did not even understand what that meant when Jesus suggested it to them. No, they followed him because they responded to the word of truth. They were compelled not by love but by truth.  They also became strangers to their families and their religious community.

The simple act of accepting Christ and being born again estranges one from the world and those of the world. As a sophomore in high school I became an alien and yet I reveled in it because I loved the truth so much, and I fortunately never struggled with peer pressure.  I’ve always hated liars, counterfeits, hoaxes, and bullies. This too makes one unpopular.

It is been my observation that those who come to Christ because He is the truth have a stronger and deeper relationship with God than those who seek comfort, acceptance and love.  But the evangelical church preaches nothing but the acceptance and love gospel because it draws more people into the shallow pool where they cannot drown because there is no depth of truth. Truth is like a deep water, scary and intimidating.  The truth is a hard sell and most people I have found are not interested. They much prefer religion and a communal salvation than truth and a growing personal relationship with God.  People prefer sophistry over Socratic examination, as it is far less burdensome. 

This is what religion provides. Having a religion was never of any interest to me. The truth is all that matters. As Jesus asked his disciples, ““Does this cause you to stumble?”  (Meaning does this offend your religious views?)  Later he questions them again, ““You do not want to go away also, do you?”  Simon Peter answered Him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have words of eternal life. “And we have believed and have come to know that You are the Holy One of God.” Peter does not respond by saying, “no Lord, because we know how much you love us”.  It is not love that compelled them but the truth.  

All except Judas, who was also called by Christ, and yet he did not recognize Christ as the truth or believe He was the Messiah, but he had ulterior (socialistic) motivations which led him to betray the Lord.  – John 6:60-70.

In the year 2020 I became an alien to over 99 percent of the rest of the world including the church because I recognized the fraud, the tyranny, the scam and the ridiculousness of wearing a mask to hide from a cold virus.  By refusing to wear one I became a rebellious ostentation.  Those who are guided by compliance and communal salvation could not understand why I simply didn’t put on the mask like everyone else – for convenience if nothing else. But there is something in me that simply cannot abide a lie and to put on a mask that you know is a lie diminishes one’s integrity. So I became a stranger to my brothers and an alien to my mother’s sons. The churches closed their doors for the phony pandemic and took bribe money from Big Mother. Only a small percentage of us resisted and we gathered together in our house once a week to discuss it, and mock it, at The Tangent College.

One of the good members of our little college had one of the best responses to this Covid tyranny; when it was demanded of him “Sir, if you’re going to be in here you have to wear a mask.” – While he was trying to pick up his prescription at Walgreens – he responded beautifully and simply, “why? I’m not sick”. They filled his prescription and he left without the mark of the sheep.

And so we moved to Casper Wyoming hoping to find people in touch with reality; Christians who were aware that this was all a planned fraud.  We have found only a disorganized handful of remnant believers.  We did however hear that before we had arrived that there were some 500 parents who sat at the school and demanded that they open up with no masks. This is why we had hope that Casper was different and we are still clinging to that hope now. Resistance to tyranny is everything and of the churches do not resist, if the people do not resist, tyranny will squash you and it will squash the church. Will they wake up? Right now it does not seem they will.  They are just glad to get back to their communal salvation; thankful to the government for allowing them to continue their “freedom of worship”. 

After the scamdemic come now that my eyes were wide open, I have since become estranged more and more from the neoconservative Republican Party in their blind support of Ukraine.  With its playboy pansy leader, run by neo-Nazis who have been busy torturing and harassing the Russian-speaking people in the East, Ukraine has become a bastion of LGBT propaganda and bio weapon labs funded by America – you know, us good guys! Listen to my song “What Are We Fighting for?” To get an entertaining three-minute perspective on this phony war. “It’s the Road to serfdom via the Empire of lies” as the sign reads.

And now I am finding myself further estranged in my changing views of the holiness of Israel and God’s end time purpose. This is of course the third rail of American politics that dare not be approached – that Israel, who established Hamas, allowed them through their massively secured borders to kill their own people in order to establish a false flag event that would allow them to invade Gaza and wipe out the Palestinians. It is the ultimate in victimology, the same victim card that Israel has been playing since World War II, for over 75 years.  It’s getting a bit old now and it is hard to see the greatly vaunted Israeli army, backed by U.S. military might, as a victim of Hamas.

Does anyone see an unsettling similarity between this Hamas attack and America’s “attack” on 9/11, also by a ragtag bunch of Islamic terrorists?

The whole thing smells funny and it is actually good to see so many people come out so quickly suspecting something nefarious is going on.  I think it is the Covid scamdemic effect in that they are less apt to be fooled. I can only hope. I will certainly speak more on this in future emails because it is a very rich subject and very complex. In the meantime I will simply throw out Seth Hancock’s latest article with his take entitled “Israeli-Gaza Conflict: We’ve Got to Question the Narrative”.  

If you are a glutton concerning the truth and getting to the bottom of this you may also wish to watch this Stew Peter’s video as he interviews Dr. E. Michael Jones who throws new light on this situation.


So this was just another Sunday to feel like a lonely man, a stranger among brethren,  in church.  No one seems to have any interest in the truth and they really take no joy in it. Their joy comes from the communal salvation of hanging out and taking part in religious rituals. The same Sunday school stories and devotionals are told over and over again without any new revelations.  But the people are content, happy and friendly.   The church ceases to grow in the truth and in the knowledge of God while it continues to grow fatter, width wise, horizontally, with new church members.  New buildings are erected and additional services are begun to handle these new members. Membership is the life blood of evangelicalism.

My delight is in knowing the truth and my great joy in life comes from discovering new truths.   It is for this reason, because of the truths that I have learned, that I have become a lonely man. I spend an inordinate amount of time pondering this and what the solution is. It does not seem to lie in the churches as they are completely set in their ways and I can’t imagine them changing; because the discovering of new truth is not what brings them joy.  And so I will continue to ponder this puzzlement as I can do no other.

The pastor this week made a bizarre, rather out of context, mention of nationalism as something to be avoided.  In this he revealed his acquiescence with left wing propaganda, and his complete ignorance as to what nationalism actually is.  I am not a huge fan of nationalism which is best personified in the figures of Teddy Roosevelt and Donald Trump, but it is the almost complete opposite of national Socialism which is personified, of course, by Hitler along with fascism which is personified by Mussolini. The operative word, as I have pointed out repeatedly, in National Socialism is “SOCIALISM”. It is not a thing of the right but it is a heretical child of communism and Marxism. It is socialism, which is juiced or intensified with the addition of nationalism.  This is why Nazi-ism is so potent; it lives on war, and it burns out very quickly. The 1000 year reign of National Socialism in Germany lasted all of 12 years and left the country in complete ruin.  

The great lie of the 20th century which has been told over and over and over again to where all of society believes it, and the evangelical pastors regurgitate it, is that nationalism is the equivalency of national Socialism. Thus the Marxist left can claim every Republican to be a Nazi; as well as providing the perfect excuse for the escapist church to be afraid and run away and hide from public affairs as the new Amish who no longer live in the world but inevitably mouth everything that is of the world.  

Instead of defining and understanding words correctly and the concepts behind them, the evangelical churches chooses not to think and simply pull the covers over their heads, claiming the world is full of monsters. – And oh how difficult life is in America! – which we seem to hear every Sunday. Apparently there are blue meanies running around everywhere, amidst this almost idyllic life we lead in Casper Wyoming.

Nationalism, not followed by the word socialism, is simply putting your country first above others – the definition of “Make America Great Again”– a.k.a MAGA.  But as stated previously, I am not a nationalist and not a MAGA-ite because I am not loyal my country simply because it is my country. National Socialism is a literally the polar opposite of nationalism. And yet to the uninformed oblivious evangelical church, as they reveal their social justice hand by using this fabricated concept of the left which they more and more aligned with, it is one and the same.  So while nationalism is a move to the right away from liberty heading towards monarchy, National Socialism is the complete opposite which is on the lower left heading towards anarchy. Nationalism is sustainable (excuse the word) though not the ideal, but National Socialism is utterly destructive and the road to hell.  Words are important and the wrong word can mean the exact opposite of what is intended. Ignorance of this is no excuse.


In addition to all of this, I could not help but notice that one of the Scriptures that was read Jonah 2:8, seemed strangely inaccurate which caused me to open up my own Bible and check it.  It is Jonah’s prayer of repentance from the belly of the great fish.  

Sure enough, my instincts were correct. The Scripture on the screen was apparently from the evangelical New International Version Bible which I never liked from the day it came out in the 80s and this is a good example of why.  (How apropos is it that we read from the “International” Bible while the pastor agonizes about Nationalism? – Interesting. Maybe we should call it the New “Globalist” Version?) 

It stated, “Those who cling to worthless idols turn away from God’s love for them. “   This smelled funny and I could tell it was a re-translation based on faulty theology. 

The correct translation from the New American Standard 1977 version states,  “Those who regard vain idols Forsake their faithfulness,”   – “their” refers to those who regard…  not to God or His love.This is a complete rewriting by the NIV with an agenda.

Do you notice a profound difference? Yes. all of the other valid translations, though not quite as letter perfect as the NASB, do not support the NIV. There is simply no mention of God’s love in this verse. What the verse speaks of is Jonah who forsaked his faithfulness by not following God’s command to go to Nineveh. It has nothing to do with God’s love for us. This mistranslation based on faulty theology makes me angry.  It is not about not recognizing God’s love but it is about the faithlessness of Jonah. Those who regard vain idols are compared by Jonah to himself who also forsaked his faithfulness.  In this way Jonah is recognizing himself as like the very Ninevites that he was commanded to go and preach. 

This is further backed up by the following Scripture which emphasizes that Jonah did not obey the Lord.  Jonah 2:9 to states,
            “But I will sacrifice to Thee
            With the voice of thanksgiving.
            That which I have vowed I will pay.
            Salvation is from the LORD.”

These two scriptures are not about God’s love but rather Jonah repenting and promising to do what God commanded.  Salvation from the Lord only comes after Jonah choosing to repent.  But of course to the contemporary evangelical church everything is about God’s love and the entire Bible is God’s love letter to us. It’s all about God’s faithfulness to us and never how we are called to be faithful to God.  The Bible over and over again commands us to love God rather than assuring us how much God loves us. The contemporary church has this turned upside down.

And this is the perfect segue to the following video from Pastor Chuck Baldwin as he questions “Are Evangelicals Really Preaching The Gospel?” This further supports what I wrote about a few weeks ago “Religion versus Secular Part II – Some Hard Truth about Evangelicalism”, but is in some ways more damning. In it he states that according to one poll some 56 % of evangelicals do not believe that Jesus lived a sinless life. As he correctly states, how can Jesus forgive our sins and be the perfect sacrifice for our sins if He is blemished and sinful Himself. He makes the strong claim that these people cannot be Christians. This is an important sermon to watch. Here is one pastor who is awake and gets it.

Listen to the apostle Paul’s harsh words in Galatians 1:8-10, “But even though we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we have preached to you, let him be accursed.  As we have said before, so I say again now, if any man is preaching to you a gospel contrary to that which you received, let him be accursed. 10For am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I striving to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a bond-servant of Christ.”  The contemporary church seems more interested in pleasing man than in pleasing God.

The one thing I think he needs to update, because he was preaching from the book of Galatians, that the problem with the evangelical church is not exactly what it was with the Galatian church. The Galatian church was returning to legalistic Pharisaical Judaism and attempting to incorporate it into the gospel. The modern day evangelical church however attempts to incorporate left wing social justice with the gospel of Christ.  This is the false social gospel, the gospel of Judas, which is not the gospel of Christ.  The rewriting of the Scriptures as stated above is an indication of the mixing of this gospel of Judas with the true gospel of Christ.  But both the Galatian church and the modern day evangelical church are following a false gospel.


So I know this has been long as they all tend to get but I will wrap this up now. I hope this has been helpful and I hope that the people who receive this email would not be strangers. We must be the true remnant church that seeks the truth and will not abide hoaxes and tyranny.

Until next week, follow the path of righteousness, be not like Jonah who forsaked his faithfulness, do quickly what God leads you to do, and stay far from the camp of the Covidites. – Unless God commands you to go and preach to them the true gospel of Christ, warning of God’s anger and impending judgment.

Bill Ward

Category(s): Uncategorized

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