fascism, statism, religion versus reality

The Tangent College

Hello Colleagues,

Do not answer a fool according to his folly,  (do not respect, or honor with a reasonable answer, the religious lunacy and language of the left)
            Lest you also be like him.                      (entrapped in the fool’s language game)
Answer a fool as his folly deserves,                 (with mockery of his religious imbecility)
            Lest he be wise in his own eyes.    -Proverbs 26:4-5

I am sending out this video, a fireside chat, by Dennis Prager that I think is very worth listening to at least up and to the point of “what do you WANT to believe?” As it deals with fascism coming to America and the absurd indictment of Donald Trump.  The entire presidency of Donald Trump up until this point has been an exercise in watching the left descend into lunacy or as we have called it “Trump derangement syndrome”. I kind of thought it would end but it has not.  I have no particular respect for Donald Trump but I do have utter contempt for the left, fascists and the state religion.  Dennis Prager touches on some very valid points some of which I highlight below.
“One of the bad ideas that America has sent to the world is that sex is not binary; that humans are not divided into male and female; which is an extremely dangerous and destructive idea”.“It is not possible to overstate the damage that has been done to America” in indicting Donald Trump. And I agree with that. I agree with it despite the fact that I am no longer a Trump supporter. I agree with it because the indictment is really against anyone and all of us who are no longer allowed, permitted, to disagree with the state religion.

I have chosen the word “religion” very carefully because that is precisely what I mean. It is not hyperbole. We are not dealing with opinion; we are not dealing with reality; we are certainly not dealing with reason; but we are dealing with the religious belief of the Western world and of the state. It is the religion of statism.  Statism, is fascism. This is what fascism means. As Jonah Goldberg wrote in his most important work “Liberal Fascism”, fascism can best be defined as a religion that worships the state. Fascism has absolutely nothing to do with being mean, being loud, or rejecting the psychological disorder of gender dysphoria as being acceptable or normal.  To the statist, the religious left, fascism means anyone who vehemently disagrees with state religious doctrine and state religious dogma.  One must use the religious language of the state in order to not be called a fascist.

But of course the irony is overwhelming that in fact the true fascist is the statist – they who follow obediently the religion of the state.  

I love how he says this, for 200 years America’s “Commitment to Judeo-Christian values, and to reason,…”  – Note it is not religion that made America great but rather values and reason.

He says, The administrators at Stanford are working on the ideology for Stanford students (the religion) and they out number faculty by seven times!

In Ontario Canada the provincial agency has announced, “That the notion that there is only one correct answer in mathematics is an expression of white supremacy”. I will tell you that the exact same thing happened in Nazi Germany as there was in the universities a distinction made between Jewish math and German math.  This is happening in the west. We mustn’t close our eyes and pretend it doesn’t exist.

“lunacy has replaced reason”

However I must point out that the thing that pains me in listening to Dennis Prager is that he does not understand or he does not admit that this is religion that he is fighting. Religion is not the answer when we are in a religious war. We are in a war of beliefs with a conflict of visions and a conflict of worldviews. It is not the religious fighting the nonreligious, but it is rather the God-fearing rational people fighting the atheistic irrational people. The religion of the left is stated very clearly by Prager in his weekly column as he lists the irrational dogmas of this tortured backwards religion.  But I will excuse him this fallacious language because when he says “religion” he means those who believe in the Judeo-Christian God of the Bible.

And then he gets into the most difficult and dangerous topic of all – what people WANT to believe versus what do you believe.  What people WANT to believe is one of the defining characteristics of religion.  What you actually believe is what defines reality.  Because reality always wins against religion. 

This is one of the arguments I have tried to make over and over again that for some reason people do not believe what IS, but rather believe what they WANT to believe.  For me, having a religion that tells me and comforts me with what I WANT to hear is of no interest to me as it seems to be to many. I want to know what IS regardless of how painful it may be to hear. Reality is what brings me joy. Religion brings me disappointment.  It is this disappointment that I feel pretty much every Sunday after leaving church regardless of which church I attended as they all regurgitate the religion and never relate it to reality.  This is the job of the prophet.

But those prophets who speak the truth are never very popular with the religious. And in the modern day church, the office of the prophet is not even recognized.  Based on religious doctrine it has been deemed not-for-today.  The churches are run by pastors who lead the flocks wherever the flocks are comfortable in going. The pastors cannot afford to lose any of their flock because they earn their living on maintaining the flock number. 

The same is true for the artist who does not merely give the people what they want but rather stays true to himself and the art.  Popularity is found by giving people what they want. Churches become more prosperous and popular the more they appease what people want to hear. As the Bible says,  “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths. But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist (or prophet in my case) , fulfill your ministry.”  2 Timothy 4:3-5.


Seth Hancock has admitted to me that his least popular articles are probably the most important articles that he writes on the central bank digital currency that is being shoved down America’s throat. This could be the final straw that breaks the camels back.  But once again, central bank digital currency fits into the monetary religious beliefs of the left. It is truly a religious and magical world that believes, without any evidence, that we can make currency be of any value we wish. All we have to do is pass a law that the new digital dollar is now worth $100 and will somehow magically by $100 worth of food. Digital dollars now will grow on virtual trees in the 2-D digital world created by cyber Nazis.

Again I have to tell you that this is not hyperbole. This is religion in all its hideousness because it is believing what they WANT to believe outside of reality.  We need to begin seriously mocking this religion as the insanity that it is. Point out and live in reality and have nothing to do with the religious language of the left. Do not get caught up in their religious language but expose it as the fraud it is.

Nevertheless you can read one of Seth’s recent articles on this crisis entitled “Bill introduced in Florida to ban CBDC”.  This is actually good news if it actually happens, but of course in the virtual world one must ask the question, does anything ACTUALLY happen?  Or, as the kids say, and most adults say now too, does anything LIKE happen? We live in a virtual religious world of similes where nothing really happens.

I’ve broken free, but I’m rather alone.

Did anyone get to read, and listen to, my email “Don Quixote, Grizabella, musical excellence and men and women” sent out a day late last week? If you didn’t, you missed a very good one and you may still view it here.  Believe me it is much more enjoyable than this one.

Anyway, I think that is enough for this week. Make sure you read and listen to last week’s email and you may find yourself singing those two songs to yourself all week long. And that is a good thing!

Until next week, follow the path of righteousness, discover reality and abandon religion, believe what is, and not merely what you want to believe, And of course stay far from the camp of the Covidites. That is a cultish religion of its own. They do not understand reality as they follow religiously whatever the state tells them and don their masks as the mark of their obedience.

Bill Ward

Category(s): Uncategorized

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