The Tangent College
Hello Colleagues,
This week, unlike last week, I’m a little uncertain as to what I would like to talk about so this may be a bit of a hodgepodge, but a good hodgepodge nonetheless. There’s nothing better than a good hodgepodge after a good meal. Anyway, you’ll get the hodgepodge but I’m not so sure about the meal.
I just read an article in the Epoch Times, whom I am still evaluating as to their genuine credibility and loyalties, entitled “Pentagon Releases U-2 Pilot’s Photo of Chinese Spy Balloon Before It Was Shot Down”. The title intrigued me and I wanted to see what this amazing photograph was, but was rather disappointed when it was obviously merely a picture of a balloon from the top. The photo reveals absolutely nothing, and no more information is given. This is one link you don’t really need to go to as there is Nothing-to-see-here-folks! – Then why the article? I don’t know. No monstrous Chinese infiltration surveillance equipment was apparent. They call it a surveillance balloon continuously throughout the article and Secretary of State Blinken (what an appropriate name!) kept scolding China that this outrageous surveillance balloon would never be tolerated again! The Chinese have it right when they say this is “absurd and almost hysterical”.
I covered this two weeks ago quite extensively (“on hoaxes, balloons, and the necessary defeat of Leviathan” but the mainstream media, the Biden regime, and now even the Epoch Times seem to be mesmerized by this absurd story. You know this story is ridiculous if you have even the least amount of common sense. China has highly sophisticated satellites circling the earth that, like Google Earth, can spy on anything they want to. They don’t need a balloon reminiscent of the 17th century!
We shut down the US economy and locked people in their houses and demanded that they wear masks and show their latest test results or vaccine passports all over a cold virus that killed no more people in 2020 than in previous years. The whole thing was a complete lie! The whole thing was utterly surreal and caused me to completely lose faith in the veracity of the United States. And now they are creating a comical lie about a weather balloon that we shot down with a multimillion dollar missile when a big pin would’ve done the job. When they shot it down, did they find anything? No. They found a whole lot of latex rubber, and maybe some weather equipment. Anything else is pure hearsay and propaganda.
But I’ve also lost faith in the sense of the American people, and particularly the Christians who should have the mind of God, sensible enough that they couldn’t see through the scamdemic or the new low/high tech balloony-threat. As I’ve said many times before, parroting others, this is truly the Great American Empire of Lies. And as we know it is run currently by a dementia patient with a laughing hyena as his backup. It’s a Banana Republic with multimillion dollar missiles to shoot down balloons. And a printing press to fund it all. It’s all over folks.
But before I get to what I really wanted to talk about, I simply must bring to your attention this article by Seth Hancock Reports entitled “Thousands march on Washington to Rage Against the War Machine but media ignores”. The people are waking up ever so slowly that we are to blame for the war in Ukraine, and like the balloon hoax, this is also a propaganda stunt. The TV news is filled with the atrocities of war by Russia – of course they never cover any of the atrocities by Ukraine against Russia currently or in the past decade as the neo-Nazis harassed Russian civilians in eastern Ukraine. They also never cover the atrocities of Ukraine’s oligarchs against Ukrainian citizens. If you keep poking the bear, tormenting bear, threatening the bear, eventually the bear is going to strike back. But the propagandists and presstitues cry fake tears and blame the bear. – Where are those animal rights advocates when we really need them!?
Oh I wish I had my newest parity finished at this time. – Dag nab it! I’m redoing, without redoing too much, the old the Vietnam protest song by Country Joe and the Fish. Maybe next week I’ll have an audio version of it but I’ll ruin it here for you by giving you the words.
And it’s 1-2-3 what are we fighting for?
The oligarchs have gone insane
Might as well just bomb Ukraine
And it’s 5-6-7 open up the pearly gates
Sing along with the next big lie
Whoopie! We’re all gonna to die.
This could be Rage Against the War’s theme song. Better get my act in gear. -Think my transmission is broken.
But that’s not really what I wanted to talk about even though, as I admitted previously, I wasn’t quite sure what I wanted to talk about – you know the whole hodgepodge thing. Nevertheless, this is what I wanted to talk about. Are you following?
After reading this very poignant article by Jeffrey A Tucker entitled “Pandemic Fantasies Hit Hard Reality“, I followed a link to the Brownstone Institute. I discovered an Institute which was formed in May 2021 for the express purpose of combating all the lies of the past three years – the scamdemic, and truly a plandemic because we have hard evidence that it was indeed all planned for many years. As you know this is been my passion for the past three years, and although I’ve spoken of many other subjects, I always return to this one which for me changed everything.
The Brownstone Institute has truly an overwhelming number of articles focused on the scamdemic. I am just relieved and overjoyed to find this resource of intellectuals who get it, and are as angry and resistant to these lies and this tyranny. I encourage you to visit and feast on the truth. At least now I have another resource besides Lew Rockwell, which helped me intellectually survive through the years of the scamdemic. – Which is still going on by the way. And it will return demanding you take the mark or you won’t be able to go to work or buy food or have a future at all.
But back to the Tucker’s article, I share so many of the grievances and feelings that he expresses from the past three years. Here is a brief excerpt, but please read the whole article,
“We spoke about the future, yes, but we’re nowhere near done with coming to terms with the recent past. It seems like a blur, which is a reason why it’s valuable to focus in on the details of what we’ve been through. We recounted the silly things (one-way grocery aisles), the brutal things (closed churches and gyms), and the tragic things (friends and family members dying alone in hospitals and buried in Zoom funerals).Each person had a story of confronting authority in their own realm and being astonished to discover how many people were willing to go along with all the nonsense.”
It was absolutely surreal for me and I still remember the feeling of teaching my daughter to drive in an empty parking lot on what should have been a completely normal sunny Tuesday. But on this day, all of the stores were closed and had little sheets of paper on them stating that they were closed due to this supposed “pandemic” we were all experiencing – while none of us were sick. I’m not sure if I will ever get over it. – That surreal feeling. Something indeed very significant, very different, very surreal, was and is now going on.
Tucker continues, “A ubiquitous feature of these new times is the end of naivete. Trust in whole institutions and sectors is gone….
We never doubted our family doctors, but then they started telling us things we knew weren’t true and asking us to engage in behaviors that were clearly bad for our health. Government officials whom we implicitly trusted with grave responsibilities have shamelessly lied to us for years now. If we only doubted their credibility in the past, now it seems like the whole business of government is nothing but deception.”
But this wasn’t what I really wanted to talk about….
That will have to wait till next week. Lord be willing we will do this again. Thanks for listening and do keep in touch. As always, follow the path of righteousness, be aware of the lies of the enemy, and stay far from the camp of the Covidites.
Bill Ward