Santa Putin and LGBTQ+ Ukraine

The Tangent College

Hello Colleagues,

Certain weeks feel as if they will write themselves but I do feel a bit sleepy at the moment, So although I knew from last week that this is what I wanted to send you for this week, it may come out a bit choppy. 

It is from Seth Hancock Reports; his article entitled ‘Santa Putin’ video shows Russian President turning gay family into straight family”.  – And here is a direct video link on YouTube:

I was totally delighted and shocked by this video and it warmed my heart that someone, even Vladimir Putin, heard the boy’s prayer and gave him what he really wanted for Christmas: normalcy and sanity. Thank you!

Putin has been reintroducing Christianity and Christian values back into Russia while hindering the godless Marxist values of the LGBTQ+ agenda. This has irked the West and Ukraine.

Ukraine good, Russia bad? You had better rethink the propaganda from Ukraine, America and the West. I wonder how many “Christians”would be offended at this video rather than be delighted as Santa Putin “brings a normal family structure. Suddenly, the child has boys’ toys. The photo of the two dads turns into a photo of a mother and father, and there’s a crucifix on the wall. And at the end, there’s a happy boy who can now be a boy.”  

This is somehow wrong as the Western media bemoans, “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has sent shock waves of uncertainty through its western neighbor. If Putin ultimately prevails, what remnants of Western freedoms would remain intact is unknown. But one thing is clear: The rights of the nation’s LGBTQ+ population would come under fire.”

If Putin prevails then righteousness will prevail, at least to some degree.

This is a chilling reminder of what this war is really all about – the LGBTQ+, we hate God, pride agenda versus God’s righteousness, His Holiness, and the absolute abomination of sodomy which God will not tolerate and will bring His eventual wrath.  I do believe God is using Russia to punish Ukraine and the West.  As Scott Lively puts it, Not only is homosexuality NOT just another sin, it serves in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, as the primary symbol of end-stage rebellion against God triggering the outpouring of His wrath. Moreover, the challenge to Biblical orthodoxy represented by an increasingly militant pro-homosexual culture serves as a key litmus test for whether believers will stand with God or the Antichrist in the last days.”“It is incumbent upon remnant believers to warn the church against the heresy of ‘gay theology’ and to boldly and forcefully advocate for the Biblical worldview on sexuality and the one-flesh paradigm.”

Every Christian church should be showing this short video in church instead of wringing their hands over Ukraine’s struggles and celebrating gay theology with the “love gospel” where God loves everyone despite their levels of unrighteousness.  But the church has sold out to this agenda. They sold out like Donald Trump sold out, like the Republican Party has sold out.

Seth says, “As the Western propaganda artists decry Russian propaganda, they ignore their own propaganda. As they shill for “gay rights,” they ignore Zelenskyy literally announcing a ban on the Orthodox Church in Ukraine that has ties to Russia.”

…  The gay agenda is now mainstream in America. From Joe Biden to Donald Trump, we’re told that America’s values are gay “values.” 

It’s also in the mainstream “Christian” churches. Take Amy Grant, who announced she was going to host a “gay wedding” for her lesbian niece.

Read the article to get the rest of this story even if you won’t like it. It’s the truth.  Grant represents a perfect example of what I mean by the “love gospel” which is preached ad nausea in so many contemporary as well as old-line churches. Some of these fail to see a problem with having a gay pastor.  The better Christian churches simply whitewash the issue and avoid it because they don’t want to be mean or controversial or, most likely, lose parishioners.   It’s sick out there folks! And getting sicker.

Here’s an idea – read your Bible and don’t skip over any sections even if they’re unpleasant.


Additionally, I saw an article in my motorcycle magazine “Rider” in which they highlight a photojournalist who rides a motorcycle into Ukraine and complains how horrible this war is, and sings the typical hate on Russia song.  There wasn’t this much Russia hating during the time of the USSR with Khrushchev. Remember how the media fell in love with Gorbachev because they hated Reagan so much? Now it is chic and trendy to hate on Putin and Russia while giving aid and comfort to the drag queen Zelenskyy over newly Christianized Russia.  It always comes down to atheism of which the LGBTQ hate God agenda is front and center.

Would he complain about Berlin being bombed by the Royal Air Force in retaliation of the Luftwaffe bombing London or Berlin being leveled at the end of the war by the Allies?  Why think of the women and children!?

This hack journalist, a propagandist for the West who’s bought into the religion, fails to acknowledge the neo-Nazis that settled in Ukraine who, America and the West, have been poking at the Bear for well over 20 years, meddling in their elections, and taunting and persecuting her with airstrikes against her cubs living in Ukraine.  And even closing down Russian orthodox churches and the tyrant Zelenskyy… is banning Tchaikovsky, who died in 1893, because he was Russian. All this is okay I guess?  Russia bad. Ukraine good. Simple, get on the propaganda train and join the party. The truth be damned!

It is just like a petulant child that pokes at a mother bear and steals her cubs; and then when mother bear finally lashes out, bites and claws the boy, the media blames the bear and wants to kill the bear that lashed out in self-preservation.

Ukraine, the “bad boy”, now plays the role of the poor victim and continuously asking for more aid in order to strike back at the bear.  This non-stop propaganda from the LGBTQ+ West makes me sick.


And here is one more blessedly short article that I just read that projects what will happen in Ukraine in the next year. Consider it a New Year’s message. It is entitled “Ukraine, 2023” in which you will find this quote; Ukraine is both a carcass for European and American vultures, as well as a nearly clean slate for a delightful WEF experiment.

The biggest crime concerning Ukraine is not coming from Russia’s snails pace invasion, but rather will come in the form of the organized rape of Ukraine by the West and the WEF (World Economic Forum)

And who ever said I couldn’t to be jolly?

Okay I’m really getting sleepy now so I’ll leave it there for this week.  Thanks for reading.

Be careful what you listen to and be careful what you sign.  Follow the path of righteousness and stay far from the camp of the Covidites.

We will talk more next week,
Bill Ward

Category(s): Uncategorized

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